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We didn't mean to inconvenience anyone by not posting the song lyrics here. We apologize if you have to spend 2 maybe 3 hours memorizing the words on your own.
- YFM YouTube in Transphobic Techno (Bitch Got a Penis)

Transphobic Techno (Bitch Got a Penis) is the 9th song released by Your Favorite Martian and the 9th video animated by Studio LadyBug. It follows DeeJay as he tries to bang some chicks, but all of the women he tries to have intercourse with have penises, or so he thinks, which causes him to go crazy.

By the end of the music video, it's revealed that the women just keep their belongings in peculiar places, i.e. their undies, and that they don't have penises.

This song and its video on YouTube have sparked controversy for their transparency nature, with the video being the lowest rated of any video on the channel. It stands at 189,410 (52.1%) likes to 98,851 (47.9%) dislikes as of November 11, 2021.

Music Video


Lyrics on the Transphobic Techno (Bitch Got a Penis)/Lyrics sub-page.


  • This is the only Your Favorite Martian music video to be age-restricted.
  • The title of the song was originally "BEEYOTCH GOT A PENIS" and was changed for unknown reasons, possibly to make the title more understandable to read, or to get it less likely to be age-restricted.
  • The repetitive lyrics, according to Ray, are meant to parody club songs where they repeat the same lyrics over and over.
  • It was released on iTunes twice.
  • This is the only song where Puff doesn’t make an appearance.
  • The song's music video plays with the stereotype that women's pants don't tend to have pockets.
  • This is one of the only songs where DeeJay's eyes are seen in phase 1, with the others being Tig Ol' Bitties and Grandma Got a Facebook.
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